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Old 03-23-2011, 10:33 PM   #38
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Conyers GA
Hey guys! Long time no see.

I decided to come see how FOFC was doing on a lark. I was bored and thought what the hell. I haven't been around at all lately - it's probably been months since I last logged in. I was just going to scan a few threads and then leave - probably for another few months. But then I saw this thread, and thought I should pipe up on the subject.

It's not just Abe that Poli drove away. He is the reason I stopped playing WW, too. I know I'm not as popular a player as Abe, but I have been around since game 1 here, and actually was the second person to run a game on this site. I don't say that to try to make myself sound cool or anything - believe me, I know how uncool I am, but just to educate some of the more recent players on how far back I go in these games. I've played in a ton of them and loved doing it - for the most part. But I will not be back to play in any more.

I kind of find it amazing that so many of you are willing to give him yet another chance. He completely destroyed two games that I was a player in. I'm amazed he isn't banned from the WW forum. But that's just my opinion and until now I was content to keep it to myself. But I thought you guys should know, since you're considering letting him play again.

Abe's post above was very generous. He stated that he forgives Poli. That's nice, I guess. And until I read this thread, I hadn't given the situation (or WW) any thought in months, so I can't say that I do or don't "forgive" him. But his behavior killed the game for me. Seriously.

It looks like the decision has been made. But I still thought you guys should know should the topic come up again in the future.

I do miss you guys. I hope all is well.

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