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Old 03-11-2011, 08:13 PM   #37
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Funny enough I realized that we are approaching the one year anniversary of "That game". I read it last night just to remind myself.

I actually never felt that he had anything to do with the lull of werewolf players, except obviously for Abe. As one of those who stopped playing, I had other more important reasons like job crisis, had a bad accident, and then family in the hospital. As other people have lives and similar crisis, I never for a second thought Poli had anything to do with people playing or not. Especially since he wasn't able to play anymore, the reason of people "not wanting to play with him" was really nonexistent.

I am very happy to see his apology as the only thing I noticed was that I never got the sense that he was sorry, since he kept posting little comments here and there. But the internet always does hide real feelings. Really cool he's lost all that weight. Inspired me to start doing the same.
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