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Old 09-29-2003, 01:24 PM   #104
College Starter
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Bay Area
Originally posted by damnMikeBrown

I had posession, at 59% and 60%. Ok, so my attack stunk. My defense was proportionally better than his attack, as compared to his defense v. my attack. That, and I had a solid posession advantage. Bah, just another example of defense getting the shaft. I need some damn attack.

Sorry, don't mean to pile on while you are down, but I am not sure I understand your argument here.

Him vs you
R At: Form (9) L Def: SN (14) - 9/14
C A: Form (9) C Def: WC (13) - 9/13
L A: Sol (7) R Def: WC (13) - 7/13

You vs him
R A: Pass (6) L D: brilliant (11) 6/11
C A: weak (4) C D: form (9) 4/11
L A: inad (5) R D: Exc 5/8

Overall average:
His O vs Your D 62.5%
Your O vs His D 54%

(Now the correct way to look at these ratios is probably more like 9/(9+14) for the first one, but it still doesn't chance the outcome)

It looks to me like his offense was proportionately better than yours against the respective defences. Now with you having the edge in possession, maybe the most likely outcome would have been a tie. Am I looking at this in the wrong way.

And to lytic, midfield is not everything, as my matches this season will attest to. I've gotten hammered by teams with a great defense or a great offense despite having a 1-3 level advantage in midfield.
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