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Old 02-22-2011, 05:29 PM   #1675
Pro Starter
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Bethlehem, Pa
Originally Posted by tyketime View Post
By the way, Sal, I was not upset with you at all. I was very upset with myself. I was sickened that my lack of experience could in any way ruin the game down the stretch. In fact, I PMed Autumn to express my dismay. I also told him that if he thought it was a major error, I would go ahead & confess to end the game.

So no hard feelings at all... except for the fact that you called a hit on me that night with no good reason...
i had plenty of good reason...i had you pegged and knew that since i was outed, you were going to come after me, so i wanted to see if i could get to you first. Autumn...would we have killed each other if i werent banging whores?
Originally Posted by JAG View Post
So why did the wolves avoid going after CR, myself, Jackal, and ntn after winning bets? (other than when we had obviously bought the BG). It sounds like money was an issue and those were people that seemed to have good money, not to mention CR being seer cleared.

By the way, I had no clue about how the winning bet was calculated, that confused me all through the game after I won 7075 on D3.

i can speak for both families on this one knowing what i know pack killed danny the first night...we didnt get any we didnt know if we didnt get any because he spent it or if we werent supposed to get it.

Night 2, the other pack killed lathum, who had also spent all his money, so they were probably thinking the same thing. it wasnt until we killed hoops the following night that we got what was left in his wallet that we knew what the actual deal was, but i know i saw the huge amounts of money being spent on services, and since no one ever said how much they were getting paid off on the bets for, i assumed that guys were spending everything on their bids.

i thought this game was alot of fun and i did enjoy it...autumn, i dont know if you want to share any of the things we talked about in PM or not...up to you...thanks for a fun time. (and the hooker)
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