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Old 02-22-2011, 12:58 PM   #1
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Poli--Second Chance

Hey everyone,

I know this is a dicey topic for some, so I wanted to start this thread here and get some feedback.

Most of us know Poli's story, a once "ardent" WW player who lost his temper in a game (and not the first time) and more or less blew up a game with some revelations about in game mechanics. For those of you too new or who forgot, Poli was pretty much banned from playing after that, since many WW players would simply refuse to ever play with him again.

I'm fuzzy on the time, but I think it has been well over a year now, since this happened.

In any case, I would like to make a case for allowing Poli back into WW games, if he still wants to play, and if the WW community will have him back.

Even when WW was going through some serious dead periods, Poli continued to check into games and post a thought or two. He never pushed his case or asked to be included, that I recall. He loved to play WW and he made a mistake, and he seems fine with that.

We all know Poli tended to get a bit emotionally involved in the games. I don't know all the details my self, but I know that in the past few years, Poli has had to deal with a divorce, a move, a discharge from the military and even some sort of illness (forgive me, Poli, if that's not true, I'm writing off the cuff and from memory).

In any case, I know from his postings here at FOFC and from his FB page that Poli's got a new lease on life. He seems much more settled and he is engaged to be married.

I think that, if Poli's still interested, he should be allowed to participate again, at least on a trial basis, with the understanding that he's on a short leash and that he needs to be careful with how he handles himself in games. My guess is that Poli understands that now; he may not have before, or perhaps had so much crap going on in his life, he didn't care.

But, like I said, I know this is a touchy issue. Some of you have said you would never play with him again. I am looking for general community feedback on this, to see if those feelings are still there and still strong. If so, I don't think it's an issue to stick with the status quo.

But I like to believe we're a society of second chances, and I think the punishment has been long enough to reconsider. This isn't like Blade and bek, where hte/"they" were outright cheating; Poli got upset once too many times and did something phenomenally stupid in an emotional state.

Poli has not contacted me or asked me about doing this, not now or ever. It only occurred to me just now, seeing him post in the Amazing Race game thread.

In any case, I would enjoy seeing what everyone's feelings are on this.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 02-22-2011 at 12:59 PM.
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