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Old 09-24-2003, 11:53 PM   #140
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
71st Mission: More Muton Madness

The EU COM hurtles east, to the Russian border, where Superman’s latest kill awaits cleanup. This time we’ll be up against a large scout, which should contain a fair number of aliens.

Our goal today is to help foster the development of some of our agents that have been on a number of missions without getting much action. We’re going to try, if possible, to set up Real Deal III, Tasan, and Naiwf for kills. We won’t take any unnecessary risks, but we will do our best to maneuver them into position to move up on the kill board.

The Skyranger begins its descent to the Russian countryside on this beautiful late September morning…

Left Side:
1. Blade III (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
2. Revrew (Blaster Launcher, Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
3. Real Deal III (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
4. Afoci (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
5. Naiwf (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)

Right Side:
1. Lokugh II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
2. Japherwaki II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
3. Patman II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
4. Tasan (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
5. Mr. Bug IV (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)

As we descend, we scan the battlefield. We are coming down on the west side of the combat zone, so the action should lie to the right of our Skyranger exit. We can just pick out the outline of the cross-shaped UFO, sitting in a field about 50 yards directly to the right of our exit. The door, most likely, will be facing away from us. The only other structure we can make out is a large, two-story barn that our Skyranger will nose up against. Elsewhere, it’s just the stuff we know and love: stone walls, hedgewalls, and fences.

The Skyranger hits the ground with a soft thud. The gate falls open…

Silence. We send our tank out onto the ramp. Whoosh! Incoming fire! A missile comes from a small grove about 50 yards straight out from the Skyranger exit. Oh crap! The missile soars right for our exit, and slams into the left edge of the landing bay. It goes off with a small crash, and stun gas fills the air near the exit. Whew! I thought that was a blaster missile! Our tank continues straight down the ramp and spots the Muton that just fired on us, lying on the ground at the edge of the grove. Real Deal III runs to the edge of the Skyranger exit, drops to a knee, and opens fire…

Bingo! Real hits the Muton in the shoulder and blows a large chunk of the creature’s upper chest away. The thing howls and dies within seconds! Well, that was easy! X-COM 1, Aliens 0.

Our tank reaches the bottom of the ramp, spins, and searches the nearby terrain…

Nothing. Quiet. We disembark. Lokugh II, Blade III, and Afoci head straight out of the Skyranger and continue on into the fields in front of the exit. Japherwaki II and Mr. Bug IV exit and get behind our tank, which leads the way towards the barn off the nose of the Skyranger. Tasan and Naiwf exit, turn right, cut over a stone wall, and head straight for the UFO. The door is on the far side of the craft, and we can see a large hole in the middle of the roof. We’ll try to get Tasan and Naiwf up against the UFO so they can pour some grenades in the hole. Revrew exits the Skyranger, breaks left, and sets up a position with the Blaster Launcher. Patman II and Real Deal III play rock, paper, and scissors inside the Skyranger bay.

X-COM forces disembark from a Skyranger in Russia.September, 2003. X-COM Archives Photo

For the first few minutes, we encounter no resistance. Lokugh, Blade, and Afoci clear the fields straight out from our Skyranger exit, then break right. They’ll sweep the left side of the UFO, which we can now see consists of a small collection of buildings and shacks. Japh and Mr. Bug advance to the barn off the nose of our Skyranger, which appears quiet. They prepare to rush inside.

Naiwf and Tasan make the slow advance on the UFO. Suddenly, Naiwf spots a Muton cutting through a field to the right of the UFO. Patman, Mr. Bug IV, Japh, and Naiwf all have shots at the thing, and we send out a ferocious volley of fire at the lone enemy. Plasma blasts tear up the field, and the startled Muton tries to flee. Naiwf is the first to hit: he drops the Muton with a shot to the calf. The Muton gets up, though, and keeps trying to get away, this time dragging its left leg behind it. Japh, with a long shot from 70 yards plus, drills the thing in the back, though, and it falls to the ground one final time. Nice shot! X-COM 2, Aliens 0.

After that, things go quite once more. Our men continue their advances. We bring Patman II and Real Deal III out of the Skyranger to get ready to move if any of our teams in the field need help. Japh and Mr. Bug break inside the barn, but the structure is empty on both floors. Lokugh, Blade, and Afoci start drawing nearer to the small village at the left of the UFO, but the place is silent, so we don’t expect much resistance there.

Tasan and Naiwf make it to the side of the UFO, and prep grenades to toss through the hole in the roof. Tasan makes two throws, and both grenades go off with a roar that send plumes of smoke up through the hole in the roof, but we draw no alien screams. Naiwf follows with a grenade as well, but he gets no scream either. We try one more grenade for luck, and this time Tasan hits pay dirt: we hear the muffled scream of a Muton dying inside! Yes, Tasan got one! Ducks in a barrel! X-COM 3, Aliens 0.

X-COM forces assault an alien UFO with grenades.September, 2003. X-COM Archives Photo

The tank, Mr. Bug, and Japh exit the barn and start out for the fields that lie on the right of the UFO. Afoci, Blade, and Lokugh reach the small village and start clearing the first few buildings.

At the UFO, we decide to give up throwing expensive grenades inside the craft. We pull our tank away from Japh and Mr. Bug and send it over to Naiwf at the UFO. Naiwf gets behind the thing and the two of them start to loop around the right side of the UFO. Meanwhile, Patman II leaves the vicinity of the Skyranger and starts to jog to Naiwf’s position as well. We’ll set up a firing position on the UFO door with the two of them.

As Naiwf and the tank roll around the UFO, a Muton comes around the corner right at them! Naiwf opens fire first, and blows a large hole in the creature’s stomach that drops it to the ground screaming! Wow! Naiwf got his kill! X-COM 4, Aliens 0.

An X-COM agent advances on a UFO door.September, 2003. X-COM Archives Photo

Patman II reaches the tank and Naiwf a couple of minutes later, and together they resume an advance on the UFO door. Once again, a Muton comes around in front of them, but this time the tank is first two react. It fires a missile that clips the corner of the UFO and explodes. The force of the explosion sends the Muton flying to the ground, where it cracks its head on a fallen log and falls unconscious.

And that is the last alien! Only five? Man, are they running out?

Kills: Real Deal III, 1; Japherwaki II, 1; Tasan, 1; Naiwf, 1.
KIA: None.
Wounded: None
Attribute Improvements: Real Deal III, Japherwaki II, Tasan, Naiwf.
Final score: 127.
Mission Notes:
Real Deal, Tasan, and Naiwf get their alien kills!
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Final Fantasy: Lost in Japanese
Kaboom Review

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 09-25-2003 at 12:17 AM.
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