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Old 09-24-2003, 08:11 PM   #53
Team Chaplain
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Just outside Des Moines, IA
Originally posted by Marmel
I think LA's problem might be we peaked a year too early. The plan was to go undefeated this season, but since we had such a great year last year, we were stuck with a bad draft pick and did not really improve the team while others leapt over us. I was really counting on a middle first round pick this year.

I cannot complain, it is nioce to win more games then you lose. We came from the bottom of the league and do not taking any win for granted.

Astute and interesting observation. The way I've set up the draft, players impact suddenly and seriously. If your pick busts (see: Fargo, Portland) you fall hard, and if it breaks out (see: Birmingham's championship) you can make a sudden jump. Frankly, there is so much parity in the league in several ways (except the QB position. I keep thinking I should arbitrarily step in and overrule the Rook cards on that, but I have refrained thus far), that predicting teams' success (i.e. Schlereth) seems virtually impossible. I had NO IDEA San Antonio's D was going to be so awesome or that Moe Sizzlack was going to be so unstoppable. I had no idea how much aging could tear down a team (see: Chicago, L.A.'s slipping defense) once the ball really started rolling. And watch out, because guys in their late thirties will start plummeting hard, fast. Chicago is in a heap o' hurt for upcoming years.

I really thought L.A. would walk away with it easy this year, but they're staring up at a couple of solid ballclubs right now. We shall see...
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