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Old 09-21-2003, 02:17 PM   #79
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
67th Mission: Floater Dance in France

The EU Skyranger races through the early morning light. Its destination: a Floater-manned, medium scout that has touched down in the countryside east of Paris. We’ll be striking at dawn (if our Skyranger pilot comes through), and hope to make quick work of the enemy.

Kodos is leading a group of 7 squaddies and 2 rookies today. He is the only officer on board, but is going for his coveted 20th mission. No agent has made it through so many missions, and this would be a momentous day for X-COM if he can live for the next two hours. Sachmo II would have had this honor, but he was killed in the base assault last week. The honor, or onus, now falls on Kodos’ shoulders.

The Skyranger begins its descent…

Our troops today:

Left Side:
1. Kodos (Heavy Plasma, Stun Launcher, Power Suit)
2. Zippy II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
3. Wolfpack (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
4. Read Deal III (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
5. Tasan (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)

Right Side:
1. Sir Fozzie (Blaster Launcher, Power Suit)
2. Chief Rum III (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
3. Japherwaki II (Blaster Launcher, Power Suit)
4. Afoci (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
5. Coffee Warlord II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)

As the Skyranger drops the last 200 meters to the dimly lit ground below, our troops take a look at today’s battlefield. We’ll be landing in an open field on the southeast corner of the battle zone. We can make out the cross-shaped UFO lying to the left of where our Skyranger will come down, about 40 yards away. The door should be facing our craft, so there shouldn’t be a long wait for action. The only other feature that we can make out on the battlefield is a L-shaped hedgewall that runs to the right of the UFO, then angles sharply towards us, stopping about 20 yards away from the left side of our exit. The areas to the right of our exit and at the nose of the Skyranger are secure territory.

The Skyranger hits the ground with a dull thud, the gate falls out with a crash, and warning lights start flashing in the Skyranger bay: we’ve got a hot landing! Our tank can make out a Floater hovering about 35 yards away, above and behind the hedgewall to the left our exit. We move our tank onto the ramp to get it out of the way. Sir Fozzie then runs to the edge of the exit, drops to a knee, and opens fire on the Floater. Plasma tracers fly towards the alien. Startled, it turns to fly away, but a plasma blast drills it in the torso, blowing a chunk of the creature away and dropping it to the ground! X-COM 1, Aliens 0.

The tank continues down the ramp and scans the area near our Skyranger: all clear. We start to move out. We can hear the thudding of house doors opening and closing in the still morning air, so there’s got to be house with aliens in it around here somewhere, but we can’t make the structure out in the gray morning light. We also hear the whirring of interior UFO doors, so we’d better get a move on and set up a firing position on that door, which faces us and is only about 40 yards away.

Chief Rum III and Wolfpack exit the Skyranger and take cover behind the tank. Once there they move, using the tank as a shield, to a position about 25 yards away from the UFO door and off at a slight angle from it. Chief Rum III and Wolfpack train their weapons on the UFO door and wait.

Meanwhile, Zippy II, Kodos, and Real Deal III head straight out from the Skyranger and into the fields beyond. They start a gradual turn left that will take them on a sweep of the area to the right of the UFO.

Coffee Warlord II and Tasan also exit the Skyranger. The come underneath the belly of the craft, turn right, and pass by Chief Rum III and Wolfpack. They’ll make a sweep of the area to the left of the UFO.

Japherwaki II exits the Skyranger, heads to the nose of the craft, and sets up the Blaster Launcher. Afoci waits in the Skyranger as a reserve. Sir Fozzie stays by the ramp to help provide long distance fire on the UFO exit if needed, but first he moves out from under the wing, preps a grenade, and tosses it at the hedgewall to the immediate right of the UFO door. This wall blocks a clean view of the door from the Skyranger, and we want to clear the way. The grenade shatters the early morning quiet and tears the hedgewall near the UFO apart. Sir Fozzie promptly slides back to safety behind the Skyranger landing gear.

Suddenly, on our right flank, a Floater comes drifting through a small grove that lies to the right of the UFO, about 30 yards away from Zippy, Real Deal, and Kodos. Zippy II is the first to react: he opens fire with his Heavy Plasma and chews the alien apart with a perfectly placed full-auto blast. The Floater drops to the ground. The men then continue their movement on the right side of the UFO. X-COM 2, Aliens 0.

X-COM forces advance through the French countryside. X-COM Archives Photo.

Back at the UFO itself, we continue to hear the whir of interior doors, but the aliens are stubbornly refusing to come out.

Coffee Warlord and Tasan continue their search on the left.

Once again, back on the right, Kodos and company pick up alien movement in the grove they are approaching. Kodos and Real Deal open fire instantly, but it is Kodos that lands the first and killing blow. We hear the Floater scream and see it drop to the grove below. X-COM 3, Aliens 0.

The next few minutes are quiet. Chief Rum III and Wolfpack maintain their vigil on the UFO door. Both groups of agents circling the UFO continue their sweeps uneventfully. It starts to look like the remaining Floaters are only in the UFO, so we bring Sir Fozzie and Afoci out of the craft and swing them behind the hedge that runs up to the right side of the UFO. From there they advance to the end of the hedge, where they set up a firing position on the UFO door. We should now be able to have four agents open fire on anything that exits the UFO.

After a bit, Real Deal, Zippy, and Kodos come upon a brick farmhouse set back behind a small grove. The three men take cover at a hedge, then call to Japherwaki II for fire support. Japh sends two missiles—one for each floor—into the house. Two explosions rock the French countryside. When the smoke clears, there is no more farmhouse! Oui! Real Deal and Zippy make a quick search of the smoking remains: nobody home.

As they are doing this, Coffee and Tasan complete the search of the area to the left and rear of the UFO. Nothing here either. The area outside the UFO is now clear: time to assault!

We’ll have Japh blow open the back end of the UFO, and then Real Deal, Zippy, Coffee, and Tasan will go in the hole. Once they’re in, we’ll have Afoci, Sir Fozzie, and Kodos go in the front door. Chief Rum III and Wolfpack will cover the UFO door while all this movement goes on. We take a few minutes and get the men ready for the assault.

Just as we get everyone in position, the UFO door pops open and a Floater steps out! Chief Rum, whose biotech breeding has given him the reflexes of cheetah, opens fire first. His one shot slams into the Floaters forehead and blows the top of its skull away. The Floater drops to the ground, dead! Wow! The door to the UFO stays open, and Wolfpack can make out a flash of purple deep inside the UFO. He takes a chance and opens fire, sending a streak of green plasma inside the craft. The plasma disappears inside, followed quickly by a muffled scream! Wolfpack got one! Hell of a shot! X-COM 5, Aliens 0.

X-COM forces bottle up Floaters inside a UFO. X-COM Archives Photo.

We immediately launch our assault. Japh launches a Blaster missile that arches over the UFO then slams into the back of the craft. The massive explosion blows a man-size hole in the outer wall. Coffee and Real Deal race around the corner of the UFO and head for the hole. As Coffee approaches it he catches sight of a Floater with its back turned, just inside the craft, moving towards the front of the UFO. He quickly drops to a knee and opens fire from 10-feet away: the plasma blasts rip open the alien’s back and drive it forward and to the ground, where it twitches violently and dies! Real Deal cuts around Coffee and is first in the hole. He enters the UFO, scans right, then left…

X-COM forces assault an enemy UFO. X-COM Archives Photo.

Nothing! Seconds later, the enemy sensors on our HUDs flash green: mission complete! That was the last alien!

Good job, men! No casualties!

Kills: Wolfpack, 1; Coffee Warlord II, 1; Zippy II, 1; Kodos, 1; Sir Fozzie, 1; Chief Rum III, 1.
KIA: None.
Wounded: None.
Attribute Improvements: Coffee Warlord II, Zippy II, Chief Rum III, Kodos, Japherwaki II, Sir Fozzie, Wolfpack.
Final score: 169
Mission Notes:
Kodos becomes the first agent to survive 20 missions! Outstanding! He also picks up his 19th kill, just two shy of the lead.

I can’t seem to buy Real Deal III a kill. No matter where I send him, he seems to have an anti-alien force field. Despite having great stats, he has only one kill in five missions.
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Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 09-21-2003 at 05:19 PM.
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