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Old 09-20-2003, 04:12 PM   #70
High School Varsity
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Chicago, IL
Welcome to MSNBC news. Today we have a special interview with X-COM pilot Superman54.

Reporter: Your job is to patrol the skies of Europe and shoot down any alien activity. Is that right?

Superman: Pretty much I just blow up the small ships and disable the bigger ships and let the ground agents clean the mess up.

Reporter: What do you do with your free time when you are not hunting down alien ships?

Superman: I also have a day job as the X-Com grocery shopper. When I'm not shootin' down ships I'm shoppin' for chips. Thats my motto.

Reporter: Interesting... What would the most popular item when you are out grocery shopping?

Superman: For some reason the X-Com base is always in need of peanut butter. We can never have enough peanut butter.

Reporter: Are you ever worried when you are facing the aliens in a dog fight?

Superman: Not really I am a perfect 4-0 when it comes down to me and an alien ship. I never miss my target, I'm just to damn good. (Red light starts flashing in background... alarm sounds...)

Superman: Well it looks like it is back to my job. Another one bites the dust...
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