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Old 09-20-2003, 03:00 PM   #69
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
CrashDavisSports: Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it! Feel free to sign up if you want to get in on the fighting! The photos just came from random web searching. It's amazing the things that are out there.

Everyone: Thanks for the compliments! Glad you enjoyed it!

Astott: The Blaster Launcher spot on this mission wasn't the best place to be because we really needed that Sectoid Commander, so I couldn't have you firing freely like we did on the last base mission. Still, I needed someone reliable on the Blaster Launchers (don't want an alien controlled agent with one of those!). Also, we've just flown through the next week, so you've already sat out 7 days!

Travis: Yeah, that last photo doesn't really do justice to the ferocity of the Sectoids, does it? Um, maybe Sectoids have no mouth muscles, so they can't snarl and always look kind of confused?

Lokugh: Great stuff! Don't give up the faith! We're fighting the good fight! The world will come around!

Originally posted by Coffee Warlord
And yeah, we got a LONNNNNG way to go, judging from our current technology.

We're flush with cash now from all the big UFOs and bases we've hit so I've really been cranking up our research efforts. Both EU COM and USA COM are going full tilt with 50 scientists each, and the US is less than two weeks away from completing living space for 100 scientists. I think we're way behind in research, and I'm trying to make up for lost ground.

Your experience with the last mission doesn't sound too promising for us. I've been sticking to the Ironman type of play: no restarts, no going back to saved games, so I hope we have at least a chance of completing the final mission on the first try. The only time I'm going back to previously saved games is when I make a mistake that results in unrealistic actions (click and move someone in a direction that makes no sense), but even then, I don't think I've gone back to a previously saved game in over 30 missions. I was going back to previously saved games a bit in the beginning of X-COM II (maybe 6 times total?), and more than I wanted to in our first game (probably a dozen times?), but decided to just go hardcore after realizing the restarts were taking the suspense out of the game.

And lastly...

Next mission should go up tonight.

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