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Old 10-01-2010, 03:19 PM   #1783
Pumpy Tudors
Bounty Hunter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
I was involved in a pretty awkward situation at work today.

So the young woman who I keep referencing in this thread (not married to her, not dating her, only eating lunch with her, etc.) and I have become very good friends. Today, I was venting to her in my cubicle about a potentially bad work situation, and she responded by giving me a hug. A long hug. No problem. Just a friendly hug, right? Well, after she hugged me, we looked up to see two women standing outside my cube looking at us. One was a manager, and the other was her new employee.

"So, um, hi. I just wanted to introduce you two to our new analyst..."

We're not going to get in trouble or anything. Even our own managers joke about how we spend a lot of time around each other, so they know we're good friends. In the long run, it won't be a big deal. It was completely awkward for all of us for a few seconds there. The new girl is probably wondering if it's normal for analysts to hug each other, though.

In my case, the answer is clearly yes.
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