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Old 09-19-2003, 01:53 PM   #73
Raven Hawk
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Thunderdome
Okay . . . I drew up a little scenario for the rest of the season based on the results of the upcoming game against the Cows . . .

Here is what the last week will look like if . . .

I win:

Fockers (16 pts) vs. Cows (11 pts)
Aviators (0 pts) vs. Kix (10 pts)
Huligans vs. Gargoyles (18 pts)

I PIC and lose:
Fockers (16 pts) vs. Cows (14 pts)
Aviators (0 pts) vs. Kix (10pts)
Huligans vs. Gargoyles (15 pts)

The important thing to remember: if Kix manages another victory other than against the Aves . . . somebody gets screwed. Or the Aves can put the screws to somebody. Too much tension this season . . .

The other thing to consider is what do you do if you're Kix? I would play to stay in the series, which means I come off of two PICS vs. Hulis, PIC vs. Fockers, MOTS Cows, PIC the rest of the year MOTS the Aves and MOTS my qualifier . . . However, I think that he PIC'd the first Huli game, not the second.

Regardless of which. I bet Kix PIC's vs. Fockers and looks to see who is a better target, Gargs or Cows. Or am I giving him too much credit?
Owner of The Shreveport Pride in The CFL
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