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Old 09-21-2010, 03:50 PM   #511
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Austin, TX
I really like your pointers DT, thanks! We have tons of fruit but we should buy more veggies for sure. I tend to get in a mood where I crave crunchy food and baby carrots might do the trick. It's 3:41 right now and I drank less than 32 oz. of water even after the grueling workout.. not good. I noticed pouring some water in a large cup and drinking out of a straw gets me to drink more than drinking out of a big ass canteen so I'm gonna start doing that.

My stats:

Weight - 190
Goal Weight - 120
Exercise - Y10X

Wow, Y10X was fucking brutal. I did well with the running, kicking (thanks to C25K and BodyCombat) and skipping but the other stuff was rough. I don't even know how to describe these exercises other than I've seen athletes doing it. Some jumping while landing in a squat position for about a minute, a lot of stepping stuff, pushups (this trainer loves 'em) and... a lot of stuff. Seriously, the class was a blur. The only thing I remember was towards the end I was so mentally and physically exhausted that I started tearing up and couldn't catch my breath which lead me to hyperventilate. I stopped for about a minute to compose myself and continued with the workout. The trainer did such a good job going up to those of us with poor form. She came up to me, said something and gave me a big smile. I've no idea what she said, lol. So after the workout I went looking for my friend and saw someone I haven't seen in well over a year. I was so out of it I couldn't even hold a conversation... wow. That's never happened to me. It's like my body was there, but my mind was somewhere else. My face was beet red and legs wobbly. Everyone's legs were like that, it's like we were walking bow-legged. Crazy.

Farrah asked if I would do it again... yes without a doubt.

Oh and I measured myself last night. I'm not posting them though until much later. I'm curious as to how many inches I'm gonna lose because of this class. Next Y10X class is Tuesday. Tomorrow, rest, then doubling or maybe tripling up on Thursday.

Last edited by Dodgerchick : 09-21-2010 at 03:58 PM.
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