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Old 09-18-2003, 05:04 PM   #28
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
We're back!

66th Mission: German Base Assault: The Expendables (Part II)

(Previously on X-COM II)

The Sectoid then ducks back down the corridor before we can get a shot off. And then another Sectoid appears at the same place! This one’s got a Blaster Launcher! Oh shit! We’re all bunched up! The creature fires. The missile sails down the corridor, right at Japherwaki II, Sir Fozzie, Wolfpack, and Swaggs…

It hits the wall right behind them, and explodes with a…

(our story continues)

Fizz? Huh? Another dud? Holy crap, Japherwaki II’s luck does it again! The missile exploded, but it was just this little pop, and none of our men are hurt! Wow! This man is a Godsend! Once again, before we can return fire, the Sectoid disappears down a side corridor.

Alpha Team asks for fire support from Astott, who has our remaining Blaster Launcher, and then quickly spreads out. Marmel enters the grav-lift, drops to the main floor, and joins Swaggs and Wolfpack as they head once again into the north room. This room has a small grav-lift in the center, and corridors to the east and north. Swaggs breaks left to go around the left side of the walled-in grav-lift. Wolfpack heads right and goes for the east corridor, which opens onto a t-intersection. Marmel heads for the grav-lift. Back in the room to the south, Sir Fozzie heads towards the east corridor, towards the known enemy positions, but can spot nothing. Japherwaki II heads south, to explore the corridor leading that way.

As this goes on, Bravo Team, now down to five men, spreads out as well. Mr. Bug heads north into the small lab room, then breaks right to check out the room to the east. Afoci follows him, then breaks left to check the room that lies to the west. We’ve got to be a bit careful here, as we still aren’t 100% sure that the area behind the small lab is clear of aliens. Astott heads down the grav-lift, drops to a knee, and plots a firing course that he hopes will put a blaster missile right on top of the Sectoids that have been firing on Alpha Team. He double checks the course, then pulls the trigger. The missile winds its way through the base and slams into a section of wall right near where we think the Sectoids have taken cover. Kablammm! The explosion rocks the base, and we hear muffled Sectoid screams right after it! Yes! Astott took out at least one of them, and probably more! X-COM 5, Aliens 2.

Condors II moves away from Astott and heads for the corridor that runs east. Before he gets there, a blast of plasma flies in from behind him, goes over his head, and hits the wall right in front of him. He spins…

Sectoid, 15 feet away, heading right into the room! Condors II fires on full-auto, and catches the Sectoid with a glancing blow that messes its aim up, but the Sectoid keeps coming! As it enters the room, another Sectoid charges around the corner and steps in the room right behind the first one. The first Sectoid twists and fires at Astott from five-feet away. The shot cracks into AStott’s kneecap, crushes the armor, and snaps his leg back. Astott feels a biting pain in his lower leg as he falls to the ground. The second Sectoid fires at Condors II, but the shots fly just wide. Just as quickly, the two Sectoids spin and race back the way they came. Astott quickly winces through the pain, picks himself up, and tests his leg. He can barely put weight on it, but he should be ok to continue.

At almost the same time, back at Alpha Team, a Sectoid appears about ten feet from Japh, in a long corridor that leads towards our starting room from the south. It gets off a shot with a stun blaster that slams into the far wall of our entrance room, next to Sir Fozzie. The stun gas fills the air, but somehow Sir Fozzie manages to stay up. Japh, otherwise known as “The Man of Lightning Reflexes”, stands perfectly still in the face of this imminent threat, but Sir Fozzie—dazed and drugged—spins, opens fire, and skewers the Sectoid with a plasma blast to the groin. It clutches its crotch, screams, and drops to the ground! Suddenly, another Sectoid appears further down the corridor! This one’s got a Blaster Launcher too! Crap! It fires. The missile whizzes down the corridor, but once again Japh’s luck holds true: the missile clips the side of a wall 15 yards short of our position and explodes with a roar that sends a wave of smoke and debris over Japherwaki II and into our room. Japherwaki appears to be ok, but he can see nothing down the corridor except debris and smoke. X-COM 6, Aliens 2.

Just then, a wave of PSI-energy washes over our men. Condors II breaks out in a heavy sweat and starts erotic seeing visions of Sectoid Playmates in bikinis! He shakes off the vision and stays with us! Way to go, Condors, we need you!

Things are happening so fast it’s hard to keep up with the action! Back at Bravo team, we’ve got to take out those two Sectoids that nearly killed Astott and Condors. Afoci is just north of their position. He sprints west and loops into the north-south corridor that they disappeared down. As soon as he enters it, he comes upon the Sectoids from behind, prepping their next move into the room to their east. Afoci opens fire on full-auto from ten-feet away. Plasma blasts fly at the aliens, but all of them miss! Goddamn rookies! Condors, who can’t see the aliens, quickly preps and tosses a grenade through the room exit to land at the spot near them. Astott, who is standing in the blast radius, dives for cover. The two Sectoids turn to open fire at Afoci, but the grenade goes off just a fraction of a second before they can pull the trigger. The explosion tears both aliens apart, and sends smoke and metal fragments in all directions. Afoci is far enough away that he only gets peppered with light fragments that don’t penetrate his armor. Astott took cover well enough and receives no further wounds. Condors II, who is on the brink of going over to the enemy, was the furthest from the blast, and is fine. Still, Astott orders him to drop his weapons and get back up the grav-lift as quickly as possible. We can’t afford any more friendly fire casualties over here. X-COM 8, Aliens 2.

Back at Alpha Team, we’ve still got that damn Blaster Launcher alien somewhere to our south, unless he blew himself up with the last miss. Japh starts down the long corridor to the south, but it breaks into two parts to go around a large room, so Japh holds up for a moment to wait for more help. Marmel heads up the grav-lift to search the second floor room in the room to our entrance’s north, and finds it to be empty. Swaggs and Wolfpack continue moving north and east, respectively. Sir Fozzie enters the east corridor from our entrance room, and comes upon two Sectoids! One is 15-feet away and heading for our position; the other is directly in line with the first one, but about 30 yards further down the corridor. Sir Fozzie pulls the trigger on his heavy plasma: green plasma blasts tear towards the Sectoid, but all of them sail wide. Man, we need shooting practice! Sir Fozzie looks death in the eyes, as both Sectoids go for their triggers at the same time. The one furthest gets off his shot first. Plasma blasts streak towards Sir Fozzie…

(To be continued)
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Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 09-18-2003 at 05:06 PM.
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