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Old 09-17-2003, 02:33 PM   #1
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
X-COM II: The Earth's Revenge (Part VIII)

Welcome to Part Eight of X-COM II: The Earth’s Revenge!

The story of the brave men of FOFC fighting to save the planet from the alien invasion continues...

We are in the ninth month of the bloody way between Earth and the aliens. In the past month, the aliens have increased both the frequency and strength of their attacks on the planet. We have fought bravely, often winning stunning victories, but the waves of aliens seem endless, and each battle they chip away, killing an agent here, wounding one there, and wearing us down with an overwhelming amount of attacks. Although we are winning the battles, it seems clear that we are slowly losing the war.

To top it off, in early September, X-COM Intelligence learned that the aliens had built two new bases, one in Portugal and one in Germany, to service their expanding operations. Shortly thereafter, Germany informed us that they were cutting off our funding and siding with the aliens, making them the third European country to abandon our cause.

We retaliated immediately, striking against the Portuguese base and winning yet another victory, but once again losing serveral top agents in the process. Preparations to attack the German base have been going on over the past two weeks. X-COM has been rearranging forces, fighting more UFO incursions, and preparing for the assault on the newly discovered German base.

Yesterday, on September 13, X-COM received a command from the UN to launch a prepartory assault on the German base to soften the target for our the "real" assault by veteran agents later next week. We take the directive as an insult, as it basically dictates how we fight our war, and casually infers that the lives of our inexperienced agents are to be sacfificed for the greater cause. Nevertheless, on the morning of September 14, the initial assault on the German base launched. We are currently awaiting news of the attack from our trusty Skyranger pilot on the scene.

It is becoming ever so clear that no matter how well we fight against the aliens, our cause will be doomed unless we can take the battle to them directly. To that end, research has been increased to a feverish pace at all our X-COM facilities to develop the means to take the fight to the aliens on their home world. Initial indications, gained from questioning alien captives, are that the alien homeworld is somewhere in our solar system. Exactly where is not known, and to find this out, we will have to capture and question an alien leader, which it seems can only be found at alien bases. To this end, one of the goals of the current base assault is to capture a live leader for interrogation. If we can survive the mission, that is.

Welcome to part eight of our story. Read along as the fight rages on, the brave men of X-COM II slog their way through encounter after encounter against our deadly foe, and the fate of the planet hangs in the balance.

By way of explanation
This "dynasty" is a participatory story using the Microprose game X-COM: UFO Defense. If you'd like to sign up, just post here to let me know. You don't need to know anything about the game, basically you just read along and post comments as you like, although at times there are decisions to be made where input is requested. In almost all of those cases, you don't need to know anything about the game to make an equally bad decision as I usually do.

Past Links
Our current game:
X-COM II (Part I)
X-COM II (Part II)
X-COM II (Part IV)
X-COM II (Part V)
X-COM II (Part VI)

Our first game:
X-COM I (We all died in this one)

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 09-17-2003 at 02:40 PM.
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