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Old 09-15-2003, 08:41 PM   #58
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Television ratings are a horrible statistic to base anything off of. There are simply too many entertainment options now as more and more channels pop up. As long as there are more options, of course ratings are going to be down.

You can make the same argument about the Super Bowl since it has shown a decline in ratings over the years.

I know what I know from the Indianapolis media, which is fairly biased towards the IRL, of course, but they are still hard on the owners of IMS. I would be personally surprised if CART is still around in five years because sooner or later, open wheel racing can only support one circuit and the IRL has become politcally more powerful. CART will eventually fold or the two circuits will merge again, with the IRL dictating the merger.
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