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Old 07-21-2010, 04:59 PM   #14
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Austin, TX
I'll drink anything. If you have it, I'll drink it.

What kind of beer is currently in your fridge? - sadly none

What's your favorite beer/mixed drink? - Long Island Iced Tea

What's in your liquor cabinet? - sadly none

What can you drink all night long and not feel a thing? - Hmm. I'm sort of a lightweight. So I guess the answer would be Diet Coke

What gets you spinning after just a couple shots? - Any hard liquor, I'm a lightweight.

Are you good at mixing drinks, or does your spouse/boyfriend/life partner mix them for you? - I need a recipe to make a good mixed drink. I don't drink often and don't know what goes well with what. Ant drinks the occasional wine.

When did you start drinking? - If the question is, how old I was when I first had a drink... I was about 5. My parents let me have a sip of beer. Drinking moderately, about 17.

Have you recently tried a new drink that you loved/hated? - Nope
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