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Old 07-21-2010, 04:53 PM   #8
Big Fo
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2005
In the fridge right now I have some Hoegaarden, Newcastle Brown Ale, and Ranger IPA (New Belgium Brewery). I just ran out of Allagash White which I recently tried and think is quite good. I mix it up, a new store opened in my town that offers a large variety of craft beers, both bottled and on tap (you can buy a refillable glass jug - choice of 32, 64, or 128 oz. - if you want something on tap to take home) so I am trying a new beer almost every weekend.

Other than the beer which is more of a weekend thing I have a glass of red wine with dinner a few nights per week. I rarely drink liquor these days, when I do it's generally a white Russian.
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