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Old 06-05-2010, 10:50 PM   #26
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by SnDvls View Post
Maybe Autumn could help with this.

What do our attributes actually mean?

If someone has Excellent strength but poor stamina are they good at a short burst in an athletic competition or would it be better to have someone with a little weeker strength, but better in stamina?

I'm not going to reveal the nuts and bolts of the challenges to that depth, other than to say that different portions of different challenges will require a certain rating or combination of ratings. If you have questions particularly about what I mean by each rating, I'd be glad to answer those.

In this case Strength generally measures brute strength in terms of lifting or pushing or carrying something. Stamina generally means how long you can sustain a difficult activity.
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