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Old 06-04-2010, 05:50 PM   #13
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME


Welcome to your first challenge in Survivor. Today the two tribes meet for the first time. Up for grabs is not only immunity from Tribal Council, but a reward as well. The winner reaps the reward, the losers head to Tribal Council tonight.

For today's challenge you will be required to retrieve a burning torch from the middle of the bay, return it to your beach and light a signal fire with it. The winner gets to keep the fire burning on their beach. The loser goes home tonight without it.

There's a bit more to it than that though. In order to retrieve the torch you will need to construct a boat out of materials found in your camp and island: bamboo, vine, etc. Once your boat is built, four of you will row the boat out to the torch, grab the torch off of a rock as you row by, and return the boat to the beach.

Once the boat has returned, the other three tribe members must begin assembling a ladder out of puzzle pieces. When the ladder has been built, it will be placed against the signal tower. The entire tribe must climb the ladder and then the signal fire can be lit with the torch. The first tribe to light their fire wins.

You have until 4:30 p.m. EST on Monday to submit your actions in the challenge. Remember that each tribe member is responsible for relaying their own actions to me through private message. Plans made in thread can be a part of your plan as a tribe, but it will not substitute for the individual's private message.
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