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Old 05-30-2010, 10:24 AM   #7
Marc Vaughan
SI Games
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Melbourne, FL
I saw most of the first half and England was really sloppy. Missed the 2nd half and the 2 OG's but saw the score and was relieved (that they at least won). But doesn't sound like a really good performance at all.
They were pretty dire at times defensively - some bad mistakes all around, especially by Rio and Terry imho (who SHOULD be the best defenders).

The corner goal for Japan was well worked but imho should have been blocked by the man on the post (thats what he's there for after all).

On the plus side England looked MUCH more dangerous after the subs were made at half-time, suffice to say I'm not expecting Bent to be in the WC squad (he's a great club player but for some reason he doesn't seem to step up to the international level at all).

Lampard and Gerrard both looked competant without excelling, tbh I think a lot of the chaps were trying to ensure they didn't get injured to at least some extent.

Last edited by Marc Vaughan : 05-30-2010 at 10:25 AM.
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