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Old 05-29-2010, 07:11 PM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
SURVIVOR Sign-up Thread

Survivor: The Islands of FOFC

In this game players will simulate a game of Survivor, as seen on TV. In contrast with former FOFC Survivor games, this game is more similar to a text sim of Survivor, combined with a game of Werewolf. While players will scheme and plan with other players on the forum threads and in private messages, challenges will be simulated versions of the challenges from the TV show. The game will also include the survival aspect of staying on a desert island, simulating the need for food, shelter and fire for the contestants. As near as possible the game is designed to replicate the process of contesting for the Survivor crown as seen on one of America's most popular reality shows.

Below you will find the rules of the game. Please feel free to ask questions. Since I expect a great deal of conniving, scheming, strategy and backstabbing I hope that players will be sure to not take anything in the game personally.

I need in the range of 14-20 players to run this game. I will take signups now but if it doesn't look like we will get that many players I will postpone the game to another time.

1. Danny
2. Greyroofoo
3. Maple Leafs
4. EagleFan
5. Racer
6. Hoopsguy
7. J23
8. Chesapeake
9. CrimsonFox
10. TheJackal
11. heybrad
12. Darth Vilus
13. Thomkal
14. SnDvls


During this game you will control the actions of one contestant in a game of Survivor. Each player will be given their contestant's abilities at the start of the game. This dossier will rate them on different skills that will be needed during the game, whether having to do with creating shelter and finding food, or skills useful during challenges such as running or puzzle solving. These ratings will be used by the moderator to determine success at the actions the character takes during the day or at challenges.

At the beginning of the game all players will be given a brief introduction to the other contestants in the game.

Each contestant will also have a health rating. Health points will be affected by camp conditions, the activities the contestant takes during the day and their experience in challenges.


Each day players choose, privately, what to spend their efforts on during the day. Each player has three effort points to spend among the following (choosing the same action multiple times is allowed):

Work on the camp site: This will help create shelter for the tribe, keeping them safe from shelter and preventing loss of health at night or during storms.

Forage for food: Each contestant of course must eat every day. Food gathered is put into a common pool and used to feed the tribe.

Secretly talk to other contestants: Spending effort in this area allows the player to send private messages to other contestants, three messages for each point of effort. Outside of this players are only allowed one private message per day, and otherwise must not communicate about the game outside of the tribe thread.

Watch what another contestant is doing: If you wish to keep tabs on another contestant you may spend some effort to follow them, getting some information as to what actions they took during the same day.

Recuperate: This is the only way to restore health points that you have lost during the game.

Search for a hidden immunity idol: There is no indication that there exist any hidden idols, however there is a possibility that they will be a part of the game.

Miscellaneous action approved by the moderator: Feel free to contact the moderator about spending your effort points on something outside of this list.

Your daily action must be submitted by 10:30 p.m. EST. PM privileges will begin at that time and continue until 10:30 p.m. the next day.


Each tribe's camp will be rated by the moderators on how successful it is. A camp that does not protect from the elements or provide enough food will have a detrimental effect on the tribe members' health. Your health rating in turn will have an impact on how you perform in challenges (as well as conceivably knocking you out of the game if it reaches zero). Camp conditions will be updated, based on everybody's daily actions, sometime between the 11 p.m. EST deadline and the introduction of the next challenge.


Each morning at roughly 9:30 a.m. EST the tribe is informed of the upcoming challenge. They have until 4:00 in the afternoon EST to strategize as a group and put together a plan for taking on the challenge. Each contestant is responsible for sending a message to the moderator by this deadline with their actions during the challenge. The consistency, completeness and appropriateness of those plans will affect how successful the tribe is.

A tribe member may also inform the moderator that they will be putting in extra effort on the challenge, which will increase their ability but put them at a higher risk of losing health. They can also choose to put in less effort, allowing them to preserve health but be less useful. Indeed, the member can opt to sabotage the challenge result for their tribe as well.

Challenges will have different portions and involve different skills. The moderator will determine the results of the challenge based on the ratings of the contestants involved, and opposed, at each section. For example if the first portion of the challenge involves swimming while pulling something heavy, their swimming and strength abilities will determine how effective each contestant or group of contestants are at that portion.

The results of the challenges will be narrated by the moderator at around 5 p.m. EST. The winning tribe will be given their reward, most likely immunity and possibly other rewards that could affect their personal health, the state of the camp or their food stores.

The losing tribe will have tribal council that night.


If a tribe has lost an immunity challenge they have until 10:30 p.m. EST to each submit a vote to the moderator by private message for who should leave their tribe. Votes will be tallied and the results given at approximately 11 p.m. EST. The tribe member with the majority of votes will be removed from the game. If a player does not submit a vote (without some sort of prior communication with the moderator) their vote will be considered to be cast against themselves. The players are not aware of what will occur if a vote is tied.


In the game of Survivor there are sometimes placed hidden immunity idols. These idols, if played during a tribal council after the vote has been made but before it has been read, will nullify any votes for the idol holder. The use of the idol during council will remove the idol from the game.

Idols may be passed from one player to another (without a use of effort points). While a contestant may look for an idol among a contestant's belongings, no player may take an idol from another contestant without permission.


Occasionally teams may be required to send a member to Exile Island, a separate island with harsher conditions. While there they will have to make do with only the food and shelter they procure, but they may have a chance to discover an immunity idol.


In addition to challenges and councils there will occasionally be surprise events that happen in camp. These will come up during the day at some point and have their own deadline. They will not be mandatory, and won't impact tribal council or challenges, but could prove beneficial or detrimental to the tribe depending on how well the tribe deals with them. In other words, managing to pull your tribe together to deal with them despite the surprise is not mandatory but will prove a useful skill.


The tribe thread can be used for strategizing for challenges, discussing tribe council votes or anything else the players wish to discuss. The tribe threads will be public for that tribe only, not to the other tribe. Details about your PMs from the moderators or others may be discussed, though of course you are not required to do so, or to tell the truth.

Challenges will be narrated in the main game thread. Both tribes are welcome to read in this thread, but should not post here other than talk on the subject of the challenges, around the time of challenge deadline.


At some point during the game the two tribes will merge, with all remaining contestants forming a single tribe. When the tribes merge the game will be condensed to one new thread. Challenges will become individual challenges with the reward sometimes including the personal immunity necklace. A player holding the personal immunity necklace cannot be voted for at the next tribal council.


After the two tribes merge a jury will be formed out of all subsequent players voted out of the game. These jury members are asked to continue to pay attention to the game, but not to post in the thread or communicate privately with other players. The jury will be responsible for voting for the eventual winner of the game.

At the point that there are only three contestants remaining in the game there will be held a final tribal council. At this council the jury will have a chance to question the three remaining players. They will then place a secret vote to determine the winner of Survivor: The Islands of FOFC.

Last edited by Autumn : 06-03-2010 at 06:51 PM.
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