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Old 05-25-2010, 08:11 PM   #117
Join Date: Apr 2005
Originally Posted by jeff061 View Post
I tend to subscribe to the thought that SK would get rolled over. However, wouldn't the retaliation by the US and allies prevent them from doing that? They are not Iraq or Afghanistan, we wouldn't be looking to occupy. I'd think a successful campaign would not be as drawn out and be more successful. Would China back them after them they clearly provoked the situation?

My knowledge of the Korean situation is pretty much nil.

I don't feel that SK would get rolled over. It comes down to the x-factor. Does NK have nukes and does Obama put aside his quest to be popular if war breaks out (we will be involved since NK would be attacking our troops right at the border). Aside from troops, I don't feel NK has the technology, experience, or long-term resources to pull it off. Would NATO get involved and would have any land or military strategy from our allies in NATO? A lot of unanswered questions in my mind.
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