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Old 05-25-2010, 12:09 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by molson View Post
I think it was a reference to the Team America: World Police movie.

But there must be ground between angry letters and bombings? SK thinks that NK murdered 46 South Koreans in sinking that ship. It certainly seems silly to sacrifice thousands or more lives as payback for that, but no or limited response guarantees greater and greater North Korean aggression, doesn't it?

Oh ok. That was a funny movie. I agree there should be some stages or responses in between. I would assume that anything at all militarily would result in an all out war response from the North. So, not sure what we can do. If we can some how bribe or coerce (former is more likely) China and Russia into not vetoing some type of strong economic sanctions and maybe even a embargo that maybe could work. The other question would be to what end would it be meant to achieve. The doubt they ever would are we and the South looking for a formal apology until the next time they do something like this? Do we think the North leader will step down? It is far more likely what occurs is that either Kim Jong Il launchs an attack or if he backs off the North Korean militaries top generals over throw hm and take over the government which would be really bad. I hate to paint such a bleak picture but welcome to the Korean Pennisula land of bad options and worse ones.
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