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Old 05-25-2010, 12:02 PM   #114
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by jeff061 View Post
I tend to subscribe to the thought that SK would get rolled over. However, wouldn't the retaliation by the US and allies prevent them from doing that? They are not Iraq or Afghanistan, we wouldn't be looking to occupy. I'd think a successful campaign would not be as drawn out and be more successful. Would China back them after them they clearly provoked the situation?

My knowledge of the Korean situation is pretty much nil.

Correct on point one Jeff. We always said just a speed bump to Seoul know as the 2nd ID. The second point would also be true assuming we are dealing with a rationale group of leaders or people in general. Having lived amongst the Southerners for nearly a decade I would not classify any Koreans (especially my wife) as that. I am certain if a war broke out we would find out if the North had nukes, biological agents and what chemical agents that had because they would be using them. A war on the Korean Pennisula would make the Iraq/Iran Sunni/Shia war of the 80s look like a brawl between Michigan-Ohio St football fans before a game. I hope I am wrong but it seems less likely.
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