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Old 05-24-2010, 04:13 AM   #1
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Austin, TX
Unhappy Dad Doesn't Take Medication = Time in Mental Hospital

It's almost 4am and can't sleep. I've been stressing big time about my dad, here's the story.

On April 28th my dad stopped taking his medication and became physically aggressive with my mom. Mom got scared and called the cops. They went over and took him to a mental hospital. He was there for like a week. My uncle (mom's brother) went to visit him and said he was in really bad shape. Not physically, but they drugged him so much he was either asleep all the time, or so out of it he'd slur his speech. I think he was there for a couple of weeks and got transferred to a nursing home. My dad, in a fucking nursery home, are you kidding me? Anyway, that's where he's at now. I called him on Friday and it was... surreal. I thought it was gonna be a sad conversation, but, this is how it went:

Me - Hi dad, how are you?
Dad - Hi. They're treating me well here. Hey, guess what? The other day I saw a cop car and I kept staring at their car and thought about the door opening and you know what, the door opened! It was...

Then he just dropped the phone.. no bye, nothing. Then a volunteer came to the phone and started talking to me. I told her who I was and she called him again. He rambled on about who knows what (I can't remember, but his speech was both slurred and he talked really fast) and he dropped the phone again. No bye or nothing. I could hear him talking in the background but it wasn't clear. He seemed like... he was on speed or something, but at the same time, his speech seemed sorta slurred. I didn't get a chance to say anything to him.

So yeah, he's not doing well. I don't know if they're over medicating him or what but my mom and sister visited him again and they couldn't keep up with him. He'd get up, sit down, talk and talk and talk, get up, sit down, etc.

It's not a pretty situation, I feel really bad for him. Only a handful of people know so please don't mention anything on Facebook. I think about him all the time, the good times when we'd go to mountains, jump in a river, and go on road trips. Good times. To see him deteriorating like this is really sad.

If you're still with me, thanks for reading, I needed an outlet.

Last edited by Dodgerchick : 05-24-2010 at 04:14 AM.
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