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Old 05-20-2010, 08:57 AM   #85
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
I understand that NKorea has a ton of people, and their proximity to Seoul is worrisome. But do they really have the infrastructure, in terms of guns/bullets/gasoline to effectively utilize their giant army?

Not saying it wouldn't be ugly, but I guess I don't fall into the "we can't win a war with NKorea" camp. Also, wouldn't a surgical strike on Pyongyang to eliminate senior leadership (Supreme Leader & Army generals) result in a significant power vacumn into which other countries (say France or something) could then pour in, offering to help the poor impovrished people of NKorea (and yes I've seen the videos, I know how they've been brainwashed since birth).

I guess I just don't see how we couldn't beat the snot out of them.
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