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Old 05-19-2010, 12:09 PM   #13
Young Drachma
Dark Cloud
Join Date: Apr 2001
Originally Posted by Easy Mac View Post
So how is what he did an actual crime? As far as I can tell, he lied on his transcripts and resumes, but be never pretended to be another actual person. If all he did was get a scholarship and grants for $45k, I can't see as how that's a crime, or else we'd have to arrest any number of university faculty to wasting thousands of dollars of grants.

He was accepted on false pretenses. It was their failure, but I suspect the whole "scholarships and grants for $45k" that were earmarked for a person that he said he was, but he wasn't. That's theft. It's a sketchy definition in the sense that one might assume "Harvard failed by letting him in" but then, you don't get the be the #1 school in the country by not making an example out of someone who you feel beat your system. This makes them look bad, especially when other organizations outside of the Ivy League had already managed to discover this fraud for who he was without more than a glance or two.

Meanwhile, he had Yale calling until his parents put an end to the ruse.
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