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Old 05-19-2010, 12:00 PM   #1
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Nov 2003
Successful Beach Businesses

It looks like I'm heading down the stretch on the current project I'm working on. I've been an independent SAP Consultant for 14+ years now (having worked the prior eleven years in "Corporate America"), and have been extremely fortunate to have spent the last 13 locally (coinciding with the birth of my first son). The thought of finding another project seems a bit nervewracking in this environment (I've been on my current one for over 8 years). Even worse is the thought my next project may require travel during the week and me only home on the weekends. That is certainly not desirable for me or my family. So... I've been mulling over the idea of getting out of the computer industry and opening a business down at the Jersey Shore. I know... opening up a new business in this economy is probably not the best idea either, but I'm seriously ready for a change.

The question is, what type of store do I want to own/run? I don't have experience enough in the food industry to look at one of the restaurants/snack stands. T-Shirt shops are a dime a dozen. One of my actual dream businesses would be to own an arcade. But there are 3 or 4 already established ones, and I'm not so sure opening up a 5th one would make much sense.

I've begun my research into the percentage of each type store in a couple of shore locations. So I thought it would be interesting to ask you what type of stores/shops do you and/or your family like to frequent when you are at the beach?

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