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Old 05-19-2010, 08:38 AM   #27
Mizzou B-ball fan
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by Ben E Lou View Post
TV and the "good-guy vs. bad-guy" dark-light stuff have influences here, but they're minor. Five-year-olds are far more concrete than that. The much bigger influence is "Jimmy Black was mean to me today, but Jimmy White gets gold stars on all of his papers." But hey, feel free to pretend.

It's not a situation of pretending. Note that I was speaking of a three year old vs. a five year old. My daughter will be attending preschool in the fall. I'm sure she'll 'learn' new things once she starts hanging out with kids outside of our friends and family (i.e. by the time she's five).

With that said, we already do emphasize to her the importance of not referencing people by the color of their skin. Just call them a boy or a girl rather than a black boy or a black girl. We have her grandparents to thank for that bit of 'learning'.
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