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Old 05-18-2010, 10:50 PM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Kids, Race and Stereotypes

After reading this, I think I will have a conversation with my kids, see what they think, and take corrective action if needed.

I am one of those negligent parents in not talking about this with my kids (11 and 8), never occured to me.

Kids' test answers on race brings mother to tears -
(CNN) -- A 5-year-old girl in Georgia is being asked a series of questions in her school library. The girl, who is white, is looking at pictures of five cartoons of girls, all identical except for skin color ranging from light to dark.

When asked who the smart child is, she points to a light-skinned doll. When asked who the mean child is she points to a dark-skinned doll. She says a white child is good because "I think she looks like me", and says the black child is ugly because "she's a lot darker."

As she answers her mother watches, and gently weeps.

Her daughter is taking part in a new CNN pilot study on children's attitudes on race and her answers actually reflect one of the major findings of the study, that white children have an overwhelming bias toward white, and that black children also have a bias toward white but not nearly as strong as the bias shown by the white children.

Any parents here have had these discussions?

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