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Old 05-17-2010, 07:09 AM   #13
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
WTF? Rumors -- including apparently real Tweets from Wendy Dio, Chris Jericho, and Mick Mars -- that RJD is NOT dead?

edit: That's in spite of confirmation from his manager given to the wire services earlier today & in spite of both his official website & his official FB page still carrying the sad news of his death.

Best I can tell, either someone has fooled a few of the internet rock sites into carrying fake denials or else someone is now hoaxing some of his friends & fans.

edit to add: A little Googling turns up the sad,sick situation I believe. Seems that overnight Saturday/early Sunday morning, someone was using Wikpedia to try a Dio has died hoax, to the point that Wiki eventually locked his page. The tragic irony is that he died a few hours later, which is what official sources confirmed.

Crazy how that happens. Remember the Nancy Benoit wiki debacle?
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