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Old 05-16-2010, 09:20 AM   #1
Mike Lowe
College Prospect
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: San Diego, CA
401k Newbie Setup (now what?!?!)

So my wife got a new job with a huge promotion. She's 25 and we're setting up her 401k for the first time.

We've gotten to the point where we know we will go 6% to get the full company match (.50 to a dollar) but nothing more until we get more of a match (2 years).

We also know how we want to breakdown that 6% which is as follows:
20% Money market

15% international/Global equity

20-25% balanced/hybrid

Domestic equity breakdown
2% large value
2% large blend
6% large growth
3% mid value
3% mid blend
9% mid growth
1% small value
1% small blend
3% small growth

10% bonds

Now, I'm a total newbie to all of this and she has zero idea ha. I'm not even sure this small of amount is possible or if this is overkill in the breakdown on the 3%. This info came from a financial adviser at my bank whom I trust but again, I don't know a lot about this myself.

What we want to know now is, what do we do with these percentages? How do I select each item (are they all "mutual funds?") to take up that particular % listed above?

We have a printed list of a "monthly plan performance update" so I'm assuming this is what we'd use to make our selections.

I really appreciate the insight and welcome conflicting ideas as it will give us a good idea of multiple angles to take. I know very little about this but am determined to get a better understanding of the whole process.

Aside from that info above, how often should I update this for her? Twice a year? Once a month? 2 years from now when the company match increases?

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