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Old 05-14-2010, 01:51 PM   #31
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Manchester, CT
I used to subscribe to the charcoal is so much better theory and that is all I cooked with. I finally bought a gas grill so I can grill something quickly when needed, thinking I would still use the charcoal mostly. I used it one more time, and frankly, I think most things taste the same or even better on the gas grill. I believe it is in the way you prepare the food and what you are cooking, not what type of fuel you are creating a flame with.

So suck it all you charcoal worshipping people who fool yourselves into thinking it is better because you get a charcoal flavor. If charcoal flavor was so good, we'd all be munching on bricks of charcoal!

Cincinnati basketball writer P. Daugherty, "Connor Barwin playing several minutes against Syracuse is like kids with slingshots taking down Caesar's legions."
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