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Old 05-12-2010, 09:04 AM   #171
College Starter
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Arlington, VA
Originally Posted by JPhillips View Post
edit: "Who is Kowalski" hurts me more than anything ever written on this board.

Stella!!!!!!! I couldn't agree more.

This thread suffers from a lack of a good definition of "iconic."

My sense is that an iconic role is one that most people recongnize not only the image of the character -- Sly Stallone in boxing gloves with his arms raised in victory -- but also the basic character archetype -- a big-hearted but uneducated palooka from the streets of Philly trying to make it big with his one and only chance. If you say, "wow, that guy is just like Rocky," everyone knows what you mean.

When I mentioned the Stella shout from Streetcar, I'll bet most of you now have some idea who Stanley Kowalski is and what he means. Some of you won't -- it is a 60 year old movie -- but most of you do and that is because of the iconic nature of the character and Brando's performance.
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