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Old 05-11-2010, 11:10 AM   #34
Pro Starter
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Bethlehem, Pa
ok, so 30 posts in and we still havent declared what an Iconic role is....there are great performances, but can we say that Bogart in Casablanca created an icon?

to me, an iconic role is one that will forever associate that actor/actress to the matter what Harrison Ford does, he will always be Solo/Indy (and Jack Ryan, for that matter, which opens up a whole new category)

Nicholson had great roles and great performances, but everytime I see him, I dont automatically go to Chinatown or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (i actually think of the Joker from Batman)

Connery had Bond, Brando had Corleone, but I couldnt even remember the names of any of their characters from other movies I saw them in.

I wanted to go Gene Hackman as Norman Dale & ?????? but couldnt fill in the ?????
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