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Old 05-10-2010, 01:38 PM   #22
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Ashburn, VA
Seriously, people, if somebody says they want an iPhone, why do so many of you feel a need to tell them about Android phones available? Android is obviously doing well enough, which is actually a shame because it has some BIG issues, the biggest being that there are so damn many versions out there, some of which Google seems to have given up on, that the platform is completely bifurcated, making it difficult to a) code apps and b) know if an app will be able to be used on a device. Also, every one I've used has major touchscreen issues, which for most of those devices is a big problem, considering its intended to be the interface.

If you really want to do the Android vs. Apple thing, make a new thread.

Edit: yes, this is bitchy. I'm sorry. But I really get annoyed when I open a thread like this and see a ton of people weigh in trying to convince them of not doing what they're asking about. It'd be one thing if they asked for recommendations about other options, but CBF seems to want an iPhone...

And while I would love to get an Android phone, for a multitude of reasons, I don't like it right now (having played with a Nexus One, an HTC of some sort, a Samsung phone with Android OS and a Droid), but I would more happily talk about all that in an Android vs. iPhone (vs WebOS vs Blackberry?) thread.

Last edited by terpkristin : 05-10-2010 at 01:42 PM. Reason: apologizing for being a bitch
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