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Old 05-08-2010, 09:28 AM   #62
Marc Vaughan
SI Games
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Melbourne, FL
Originally Posted by molson View Post
It's not a popular opinion, but I think there is a difference between the majority/privileged race segregating/excluding, and a minority race doing the same.

I disagree with this vehemently - even 'positive discrimination' like the example given causes bad feeling between the groups as was shown by the reaction of the class mates who weren't taken on the trip.

The only times I think that discrimination is right is if its done in an encouraging fashion as a reward for performance or attitude, that sort of thing.

If the people who went on this trip were the top scorers in an end of year test - then yeah thats cool, thats showing real-life cause and effect and encouraging others to try harder.

If someone's a white American guy in Saudi Arabia (not quite a perfect comparison, but whatever), they would be all about establishing a white community, white clubs, looking out for each other, etc.

Actually my father worked over there for a couple of years when he was younger and no he wasn't that way inclined at all ..... don't paint everyone with the same approach that you yourself might take.

Similarly I don't 'get' English people over here who feel the need to try and become my 'buddy' because I'm English - people are people, if I'd get on with someone then it doesn't matter what accent they have (although if you're a soccer fan it doesn't hurt ).

Last edited by Marc Vaughan : 05-08-2010 at 10:17 AM.
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