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Old 05-07-2010, 10:55 AM   #11
Join Date: Sep 2003
Practice and education play a huge role.

When i was about 19-20, I started bowling in a league while I was in the military. For a year or so, I averaged about 140. My 3rd year, I started bowling with a guy that averaged 220. He taught me a lot about how to make adjustments. That same year, I also bowled in a league that also allowed me 3 free games of bowling every day of the week. So, that year, I was bowling about 30 games a week. My average went from the 140s into the 180s by the time those 3 months ended.

To be a pro bowler, you have to practice a lot and you have to learn how to make adjustments to lane conditions. Adjusting to lane conditions is probably the biggest hurdle I think. The pros can throw one ball and determine what to do next. They change their line or the way they throw the ball or grab another ball just from what they see throw the ball once.
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