Thread: Black 3pm
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Old 05-07-2010, 09:44 AM   #46
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
Trading systems mishap suspected in wild Wall Street ride - JSOnline

I have a feeling the cancelled trades are the ones that need to be investigated. It would be very nice to have your buddies who manage the exchange to wipe out insane transactions you entered in order to cause an auto-selloff you profit from after 2 PM. Reeks of an inside scam to me so much, but what do I know.

It should be very easy to find and punish who caused this, if only they didn't own the wall of silence that is going to be put up around all of the data that could be used to prove what happened. Every trade runs through the exchange and is logged (its how it works), find the ones that magically moved first and determine whether to penalize them.

GLITCH: Something unexpected and broken about a piece of code or human input that causes an error.
AUTOMATIC SELL-OFF: A system designed to sell when certain indicators drop, this is not a glitch, its the DESIGNED behavior of the system.

I get testy when people call it 'just a glitch', they think a bit got flipped somewhere, or someone pushed the wrong button, and the economy falls to its knees. It doesn't work that way. The giant blip is a systematic software engineering flaw in multiple designs that make faulty fundamental assumptions (namely historical data proves future trends, something everyone forgets is NOT TRUE from their finance 101 class).

Last edited by SportsDino : 05-07-2010 at 09:49 AM.
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