Thread: Black 3pm
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Old 05-07-2010, 09:04 AM   #40
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: San Diego
Did you mean to quote me there flere?

On other points, the electronic trading really does facilitate a lot more volume and activity than any kind of human-only system could really handle. The short term vol is wacky, but there's too much going on in the market these days, and it's too global really, to try to turn back the clock on some of this stuff. Human beings are still setting the parameters on these systems, and I'd rather they be doing so in the relative sobreity of non-market hours than forced to sit with their finger on the button all day long waiting for movement. It's a good trade off I think in the end, and one that does add a lot of value to markets.

It sounds like some kind of glitch hit here, whether it was the absurd sounding b or m thing or something equally as bizarre and unpredictable. It also wouldn't shock me to find out somebody made some money in all this. I'll definitely be following along.
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