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Old 05-07-2010, 09:04 AM   #6
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
I played "billiards" a ton up to about 2003.
I won dozens of local tournaments, was in a league where for 3 years I was the top ranked player in the league and won the team title all 3 years. At the urging of friends and family in 02 I went to Vegas and entered the NA amateur tournament. I won like 6 sets came back on the 2nd day, squeaked by 7-6, and then got took out 7-1.

I can't fully answer your question, but it is most definitely a difference in dedication. Where I was playing 8-10 hours a week, these guys were playing 8-10 hours per day.

For me, at my best I was as good as anyone there at their best. The problem was I played that elusive perfect game maybe 2 in 10 where these guys wee that way 98 out of 100. I am unsure if it was mental, physical muscle control/memory or what just there is a definite difference.
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