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Old 05-06-2010, 07:40 PM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Computer Crashes redux

I've started having spontaneous blue screens of death. My system is only a few months old, and has been working perfectly up until now, so I'm curious what's causing it. I don't recall any specific changes I've made to the system before this started happening, though it's certainly possible I made some small software installation.

The crash typically happens when I'm either running DDS:PB basketball game, playing a video or opening a picture file. It goes to the blue screen and reports a problem with stdriver64.sys, which I can't find much of anything on. I've gone back a few restore points (I'm on Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit), that hasn't helped. Tried doing a config scan. Antivirus scan. Updated Windows and all. Any ideas?

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