Thread: Black 3pm
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Old 05-06-2010, 04:35 PM   #30
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
Originally Posted by Solecismic View Post
This makes no sense. Either the reporter is confused as to what happened, or someone found a way to manipulate the computer system to make an absolute fortune in a few minutes.

+1 b(m)illion

If someone can do a hack like this, we need the system locked up and torn down to the 1's and 0's to figure it out and put some death penalty on some people, because anyone who can cause a 10% change in the entire stock market in an hour is one hell of a badass.

You would have to get Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and a half dozen of their richest friends together in a room, have all of them go 'to hell with the world' and put all their money into one single mass short of the entire market, and you might be able to get a similar dent through normal market forces and panics (assuming no quick trading computers).
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