Thread: Nielsen
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Old 05-06-2010, 04:34 PM   #9
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Midwest
I've somehow managed to end up doing Nielsen twice. The first time was a diary and they sent me cash. The second time they came and set up an actual receiver with my TV. That lasted 5 years...every 6 months I got a $30 check. I also got a small check if I ever purchased a new TV or DVD. The best thing was they ended up needing to add another phone jack in the house for their equipment and they paid for all the installation. And the oddest thing is I got sent a Cracker Barrel sampler for signing up initially. Weird.

With the diary, there was NO hassle. With the monitor, if the thing went down they were out and would often take a couple of hours to fix things. They also had to upgrade their equipment twice.
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