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Old 05-06-2010, 02:12 PM   #17
Young Drachma
Dark Cloud
Join Date: Apr 2001
Originally Posted by molson View Post
Ideally, sports tournament/competition formats should be setup to where this kind of thing isn't possible, or is at least mitigated.

Failing that, I think it's lame to qualify for anything in this manner. Why would you want to be the guy that gets in the nationals this way?

He didn't ask for it to happen. I think the only thing the original guy did wrong was not making it more convincing a screw up, rather than just double biffing a putt, but maybe it occurred to him at the last minute to do it.

I'm sure the league will change the rule for next season, given all of this national attention. But the thing about sports at the lower levels is that it's just not as competitive. I mean, it matters. The games, the matches and all of it matters to a degree, but...every institution and the players involved don't care that much.

Plus, there's nothing that he could've done about it. The other player chose to do it. I'm sure if anything, it emboldens him to go to nationals and do his best work and prove he belongs's just not a high profile enough level of competition that being bloodthirsty has any merits whatsoever.

And given it was two religious schools involved...I'm guess there was an added level of morality added to it.

Last edited by Young Drachma : 05-06-2010 at 02:25 PM. Reason: Nazarene ain't Catholic. ::homersimpson::
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