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Old 05-06-2010, 01:50 PM   #36
College Starter
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Bay Area
Originally Posted by Tigercat View Post
You do not SWAT raid a family home over pot, unless you are 100% sure the house is growing it or storing mass quantities.

Would a SWAT team night raid a family home, guns blazing, of a white collar guy who is suspected of heavy corruption? Just on the off chance of finding felony evidence? I don't smoke pot, never will, but some police offices need to get a grip on the current social seriousness threat that pot places on the American public. The answer? Low threat. Not SWAT team worthy unless a sure thing and no risk to family members. That should be god damn obvious.

Information is rarely 100% accurate - the police must make the best decision given the information they have. We don't know what evidence they were acting on other then they had reason to believe there was a large amount of drugs (which was wrong). The outcome doesn't mean their decision was wrong, just the information they were acting on was bad. We don't know enough to judge yet.

Your second point should really be directed to the lawmakers rather than the police. The police's job is to enforce the law, and the law basically says that drug users are serious criminals who must be stopped at all cost.
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