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Old 05-06-2010, 07:44 AM   #229
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The group heads back to heal and regroup at the Inn of the Welcome Wench. Alzar keeps his three ghouls under his control and the additional 6 ghouls he gets when the people they killed rise from the dead that night. He may need them later before moving on, you never know.

Five days later, they prepare to leave Hommlet after healing and rest, and identification of items. Alzar gave all of the coins to Aleigha and Estiash to split and took the jewllry, gems, objet d’arts, and magic items.

It is the final night in the village, when Megala notices someone near the wagons. Alzar is immediately awake and seeing through its eyes. There is an individual there, lurking in the shadows, and observing. Alzar orders Megala to stay put, and pulls out his Crystal Ball.

Alzar grabs his stuff, weapons, Bag of Holding, and everything else. The downstairs door is opened by the stranger who sneaks in and disappears. Alzar activates the Crystal Ball before he does, and it automatically follows him. He cannot be seen, having melted away, but after a pause, the person is sneaking in through the darkness. Alzar’s two followers are asleep in the bedroom, so he shuts the door ot the antechamber and casts Skulltrap just inside the door to his anteroom. He then prepares a Blastbones to trigger if the Skulltrap triggers.

The figure is at the top of the stairs, and Alzar backs up, sits down, places the crystal ball on the floor out of the way, and pretends to have fallen asleep. Secretly, he orders Dryshik out of the window and then down into the now opened door and into the common room downstairs. Alzar’s suite is the first door up the stairs after about ten feet, with a locked door.

In just a second, the door to Alzar’s chamber opens, completely silently. The stranger managed to pick the lock and open it very quickly, and did it all without a sound., Alzar is impressed. Just soon as the door is opened enough, it touches the skull. It explodes, and triggers the Blastbones.

The Skulltrap does 15 and the Blastbones add 6. The assassin makes her save and takes 14.

Level 10 Assassin – 41, Dex 17, AC3, Wearing noise proof cat suit, poisoned daggers in each hand, Cloak of Displacement, save vs death. Dryshik silently casts Wall of Fog on the stairs behind the burglar, and Alzar opens his eyes. He throws his readied dagger at her. She jumps in. The dagger sails wide. She stabs Alzar twice, dealing just 3 damage but Alzar has to make two poison saves. He makes the first one, but would have failed without the Periapt. He fails the second one. In three rounds, he will die. He cannot attack and his muscles are contracting painfully.

Dryshik has flown back up and Mist Balls the assassin. She fails her save and takes 4 poison damage and is blinded. Megala is flying into their room and trying to awaken the others. Alzar uses his knowledge of Poison to identify the poison from the look, and feel and how it is acting – it’s scorpion venom – a common poison to acquire or make. It takes a bit to work, however. There are much deadlier ones.

Alzar knows that there is a chance to save himself. Dryshik flies in under Alzar’s suggestion and grabs the Extra Healing potion from his belt. He undoes the stopper and pours it in Alzar’s convulsing mouth and after a round, the pain has stopped. The potion does not heal Alzar, since it was used exclusively to kill the poison. The assassin has bounded up and trying to leave the inn. Several voices can be heard from upstairs as people are being woken up.

Estiash is the first one out and he sees the assassin flee, Alzar’s condition, and leans down to make sure Alzar is all right. Megala is ordered to fly back out and sees the Assassin flee the inn, and hut and lock the door behind her in about 15 seconds. Alzar orders Dryshik to also give chase. He waves Aleigha and Estiash on and gets up himself. He grabs his Crystal ball to spy on her again, and gives orders through Megala and Dryshik;’s connection. The mephit is just a round behind.

The assassin is moving into a plains area, and will soon spot Megala who will be able to hid in the trees. Alzar orders Megala in to attack and distract her until Dryshik can catch up and Mist Ball again and then perhaps everyone else can catch up. Megala swoops down and misses her. She sees Megala and throws a dagger at him. He takes 2 damage (no more poison). Megala is ordered in again, as Alzar sees her grab for a potion from her belt as well. Megala wins init and gets there first. He actually hits her (rolled a 17) and deals 1 damage. She…makes her save and is not put asleep. Dryshik is there (he flies) and Mist Balls her. She makes her save again. The potion puts her invisible. Dryshik and Megala can no longer see her, but the Crystal Ball follows her, even though it cannot reveal her. Using his knowledge of where she is and is going, he has Megala go and show Aleigha and Estiash where the Assassin is by pointing, while Dryshik stalks her. She slides over into some bush and scrub. In a moment, Estaish and Aleigha begin to be seen. Will she hide or will she ambush. Dryshik is ordered to Mist Ball the specific space the Crystal ball is pointing. There is a chance it will miss, so I roll. 13. I consider that to be enough of a hit, since no AC bonus applies due to armor or the cloak or invis. She fails her save and takes 5 poison damage and is blinded for 3 rounds. Dryshik and Megala fly in to where she is and start attacking. Aleigha and Estiash follow. Both of the flyer smiss.

The next round, Dryshik is ordered up and becomes the lookout. Megala misses. Estiash hits her for 9 damage and Aleigha nails her for 4. She runs, but she is easily followed by her noise and the Crystal Ball.

Megala misses. Estaish hits her on the run for 7 and she dies.

On her body is nothing but the knives, a vial of scorpion poison half used, and nothing magical but the cloak.

Alzar is able to identify it as a Cloak of Displacement right away. A Detect Magic spell shows nothing else.

Lost an Extra Healing pot.

XP – 600 each
660 for Alzar

Total – Estiash 3635, Alzar 25798, Aleigha 8525

Aleigha gains 7 hp and is now at 28, level 4.
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