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Old 05-05-2010, 07:23 PM   #212
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
At first, they decide to swing by the various traders. There are leather workers, blacksmith, traders, a miller, a cheese maker, a weaver, a money changer, a potter, a limner, a wheeler and wainwright, a stonemason, a teamster and a tailor. There is also…a mage in the tower (at 31).

The mage interests Alzar. They start by looking at the traders. This shop sells to locals, merchants, and travelers, so it has a large number of items, from farming implements and seed to small weapons and tools to shoes. They also have some animals for sale - dogs and horses. There’s not much here of interest to Alzar and his group, so they move on. The jeweler and money changer has doesn’t really have a lot on display. He makes jewelry, buys and sells gems, and can change money into other pieces, all at profit, of course.

They walk down and skip the tailor and weaver, and head to the blacksmith. The blacksmith can make typical stuff like horseshoes and nails, and he can do modest weapons like an axe or hammer head. He can’t do swords or armor.

Alzar notices the town symbol in a few places, acorns above a sheaf of grain. He inquires about it, and he is town that many in the town are of the druidical persuasion. Interesting. The church he passed was to Bathala, Goddess of Agriculture, Harvest and Fertility. There must be some adherents in here as well.

Alzar decides to try the mage, and the others keep looking at the leather worker’s place.

The tower is a two storied affair. On top are some men-at-arms guarding. It looks like a watchtower for military use, now grabbed by the mage, Burne, His Most Worshipful Mage of Hommlet. Some mages are so pretentious.

Alzar waves to the men at arms so they won’t think he is a bandit or some such, and climbs a round stepped ramp and curls around the tower. He then knocks on the door. (I roll a die). A fighter in chain and shield answers. He gruffly asks what Alzar wants. He asks if Burne is available. As a mage himself, he would like to talk with a fellow magic user. Rufus tells him to wait and asks Burne, and he says sure.

Alzar is let in and sits waiting in a main room of the watch tower. There are two fireplaces in here, a cooking area, and some seating. After a few minute, Burne arrives. They chat about the art for a while, and then Alzar mentions the classic device of trading spells. After an hour, they agree to a trade of spells. Burne will let Alzar try to learn Dimension Door from one of his spellbooks and Alzar will let Burne learn Teleport. Alzar succeeds and Burne does as well. Technically, Burne made out, because he traded a 4 for a 5, but both are common spells and have lesser values on the trade market as a result.

Burne is not interested in selling or trading magic items, however. Ah well, Alzar bids him adieu, and Burne mentions that he may swing by the Wench tonight.
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