Thread: Nielsen
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Old 05-05-2010, 12:53 PM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: San Diego via Sausalito via San Jose via San Diego
We were a Nielson family for about 4 years. Had the boxes on all of our TVs and everything. Sent us a check, I think, once or twice a year. The only 'hassle' and I put it quotes is because we had a DVR at the time and their equipment didn't like it for a while so, they would come out every few months. Eventually, their equipment was finally upgraded to know when the DVR was in use and the only time they came out after that was if they lost signal and when they took out everything when our time was up.

No downside that I can think of to be honest. It was usually the same techs that came out to our house, so we got to know them and they even brought pizza one time. None of them were jerks or anything like that.

We tried our best to keep the Sarah Connor Chronicles on, but, I guess it didn't work.
I'm no longer a Chargers fan, they are dead to me

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